
Hello! Welcome to my website. I’ll introduce myself: I am a good communicator and have been attracted by languages ever since I was small. I have continuously specialised in the use of words and in employing increasingly precise and pure language, which has become my passion. It is a never-ending task, like my spiral: one never stops learning, one never stops perfecting, never stops growing. I have come this far but continue to delve deeper into my working languages, my native Italian, Spanish and English. I continue to connect with their roots and their culture to always provide the most professional service.

My Training


I have specialised in simultaneous interpreting, a modality for which a booth and sound equipment is required; however, I also work in liaison and whispered interpreting, modalities that do not require any technical equipment. It is stimulating to act as a bridge between speaker and listener and to transmit the message as accurately as possible so that no nuance escapes, while always maintaining the most absolute discretion and “invisibility”. Yes, interpreting is a profession applied to the art of being invisible. I love it!


In parallel I have cultivated voice techniques to broaden my range of professional capabilities. I have chosen the advertising VO modality because I am not an actress, although… you never know.

I often do studio recordings of radio slots, audio guides, audio books, voiceovers, institutional and corporate videos, commercials, voice mails, online courses, tutorials, etc.

The voice is vibration, vibration is sound and sound is information. It is exciting to play with the versatility of tones and rhythms to characterise a product, a brand, a message, with the voice.

Presentation of My Voice

Demos and Assignments Completed


Interpreters cannot be any good if they are not proficient translators. Translation continues to help me reinforce my knowledge bases in several fields of expertise, thus enriching my capacity for expression. For language pairings other than my own I can draw upon a network of colleagues whom I have selected to cover more services in several language registers.

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